Keeping your system updated

There are thousands of hackers who get up every morning with ONE goal in mind: to find a new vulnerability in a commonly installed software (like Adobe, Flash or QuickTime) to access your computer. That’s why these companies frequently issue patches and updates for KNOWN security bugs; and once a KNOWN vulnerability is announced via a patch, hackers get to work like crazy trying to figure out how to use the vulnerability and access those users who are lazy about installing updates. That’s why it’s important to update installed software programs as soon as possible.

Of course, if you’re a client of ours, we’re monitoring your network for these updates and handling them for you; but your home computers, smartphone and other devices that may NOT be under our protection probably need a little attention.

Christo IT keeps on top of all your updates, as well as working with top cyber protection professionals to prevent security gaps in your systems. Get our FREE report about our top 7 ways to protect your Firm here: